Monday, May 18, 2009

Magazine On Film

Buffet is a new project being launched from the center of Houston to the furthest corners of the universe. A carefully curated, experimental, video-based DVD periodical, Buffet seeks to function as one-part art venue, one-part subscription-based publication, and one-part magical mystery tour.

A video magazine of sorts, this periodical will arrive at your doorstep as a delicious and nutritious DVD of fiction and non-fiction video shorts, including but not limited to documentary, narrative, animation, and found footage. You make it (or find it). We show it.

What makes this periodical different is that we are really interested in you. Yes, you. We want to see the world through your eyes. For our inaugural issue we’re interested in focusing on Houston. We’d love to see work by Houston artists, former Houston artists, or anyone interested in our fair city. It could be about a subject that bears a certain relevance to place or it just belongs in a portrait of Houston, a portrait of “us”.

We’re looking forward the seeing what you have for us!

Bon Appetit, Buffet Chefs

DEADLINE: June 16, 2009

Buffet DVD, PO Box 1541, Houston TX, 77251

If you have questions, or just want to look at some images of buffets, visit our website:

There's a lot of film stuff popping up lately :)
Check out the HAA film project
and The A/V Swap too!