Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Vicious Art Writing from LA... at Antidote
Need a little out-of-town insider information? Well, I just dropped off a stack of Coagula Art Journals at Antidote on Studemont in the Heights! Featuring gems like Alan Bamberger's Turning Pro column:
A: Purchase a cave; live there for the rest of your life. Allow no one to see your art - ever. In your will, leave directions to where your art is hidden, so that someone somewhere can show and sell it once you've transitioned to the great beyond.
Q: I search online for art dealers, galleries and other people with profiles in the art world. Then I email them images of my art with no text. I figure that people who are impressed or who want to know more will email me back and ask about it, want to buy it or offer to give me shows. So far, I've had no response. Any suggestions?
A: Out of all the possible ways to present your art, this is unquestionably and by incomprehensible leaps and bounds the dumbest (the second dumbest is emails that begin with "Dear Sir/Madam") (the third dumbest is "Please visit my website and let me know what you think about my art"). People who receive these emails- assuming they even open them, which most don't- wonder, "Who is this bozo and why is he bothering me?" Here's a thought- maybe put the art career on hold and start looking for a real job. Here's how to apply- email companies your resume for no identifiable reason and with no explanation.
Stop on by Antidote and grab a Coagula tomorrow night, Hello Lucky is right down the street and they're holding a glasstire party!
Cleaning Up in Galveston

Ron Ochoa (R) and members of his family move a flooded out freezer from his parents' store near the seawall September 24, 2008 in Galveston, Texas. City officials are allowing residents to return to the island to begin cleaning up their homes and businesses for the first time after Hurricane Ike devastated the area on Sept. 12.

It's a mess out there... be careful y'all...
Liars on Fires!

Short Notice
Clark will exhibit paintings and sign copies
of his new book Clerk Fluid in Domy.

Mark will exhibit recent paintings in Brasil.
Saturday, September 27th at Domy Books
1709 Westheimer
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
One Thing.
Competition + Fundraiser to benefit arts organizations
Houston [September 23] - Fresh Arts members have noted the amount of wood, metal, bricks and trash currently available on our streets in Ike's wake.
Where are the Texas totem poles?
What about an oversize wood chair?
A currugated[sic] metal suit of armour?
As we regain our electricity we want to encourage a creative focus in our community using the abundance of materials on our yards and streets. Become cultural first responders and submit creations made from Ike remnants still littering the streets and yards of our city, go scour the streets, yards and ditches and start drilling, whittling, painting and welding your masterpiece.
Email pictures of your 'fresh art' to with the subject line: MADE FROM IKE
Do it by Monday, October 20.
All entries will be uploaded to the Fresh Farts photo album.
Fresh Arts' guest judges will select the top three and award cash $$$$$$ prizes.
Winning submission will receive twenty Ben Franklins.
Winners will be awarded on Friday, October 24 at the MADE FROM IKE fundraiser at Caroline Collective. Participants are encouraged to donate to the silent auction that will take place throughout the evening. Proceeds will benefit Americans for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund that helps local arts service organizations rebuild the arts in their communities. Entries to the silent auction must be submitted Friday, October 24th between 5 and 6pm at Caroline Collective.
Businesses, organizations and individuals wishing to donate to the silent auction
please contact
Fresh Arts Coalition, includes 25 arts orgasms that have joined together to collectively raise "awareness" of the "size" and "diversity" of Houston. For sick German porno that would make your mom fall off her wagon, visit
Fine print: Entries competing for cash prize must be objects made from Ike remnants. Photographs will not be eligible for competition but we do encourage photographers to donate their work to the silent auction to help Americans for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund.
Can You At Least Break Us Off Some Cake?

The NYTimes decided to focus their hurricane Ike coverage on the *least* of us all.
“Hard to believe, but I had one of the best meals I’ve ever had thanks to Ike,” said Ilene Allen, a vice president of the real estate firm Hines Inc., who the day after the storm invited 18 friends to her house in the city’s River Oaks area. “Everyone agreed to bring the best stuff in their freezers, and to let the rest go.”
The meal included Kobe beef, venison sausage, baby lamb chops and chicken — all cooked on a large gas grill outdoors. There was thawed sweet corn and broccoli, as well as salad greens mixed with canned mandarin oranges, hearts of palm and slivered almonds.
“We also had some very good wine and Champagne, whatever people happened to have in the fridge,” Ms. Allen said, adding that it was an elegant candlelit affair save for the paper plates.via NYTimes Snob Section
Warehouse District Opening Friday

Due to Centerpoint spending all their time sucking balls, EYESORE opening has been postponed until Friday, October 3rd. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Wednesday openings are for cool people.

Galleria Tejas
detrás del teatro River Oaks
6 til 8 pm
WHOS GOT PICS!!!!!??????????
Too bad I don't have a horizontal blog.
Click 'em to enlarge 'em.


Rodruiguez Auto Sales

Pasadena Veterans Field

45 Pickup

45 Pickup

Pasadena Veterans Field

Underpass UH
Chuy Benitez
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Moral Issues

This guy's name is Smokey Rivers (L)
Dallas, once again, is the stupidest place on earth. They have moral issues.
Does It Look Good Above The Couch?

Living Room Art
Brown in the Third Ward
View Larger Map
Curated by Elia Arce + Robert Pruitt
8:00 pm, Saturday, September 27, 2008
At the home of Ivette Roman
3117 Cleburne, Houston, TX 77004
Elia Arce, Jade Cooper, Robert Pruitt, Ivette Roman, and Sehba Sarwar
Right Now
The Lawndale Arts Center just got power last night, and they reopened the current round of shows 4 minutes ago! Yay!
Check out Schulze's HP review of Transcendental Smoothie by Mary Magsamen and Stephan Hillerbrand HERE
Poll Results: Let's Go Play in Traffic
Where should the next Houston public art project be?

An empty lot

Discovery Green
View Larger Map
Richmond at Main Street
Hermann Park

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Along a Freeway

Buffalo Bayou

Rice Campus

The Heights

Moody Park

Rice Village

A Parking Lot in Midtown
Honorable Mention

The Astrodome

TSU Campus

FM 1960

U of Houston Campus

Warehouse District
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pugilistic Attitude
Opening night for five exhibitions
at BOX 13 ArtSpace
Saturday, September 27, 2008
7:00 - 9:00 pm
September 27 through October 25, 2008
Architecture of Perception
Curated by Elaine Bradford
Katy Heinlein, Rebecca Ward, Jeff Williams, Eric Zimmerman, Bari Ziperstein
what seemed a collection of artists with architectural ideas were invited to produce a sculpture heavily influenced by design.
Katy Heinlein of Houston produces new fabric draping pieces, working on an intimate scale. Rebecca Ward will be creating an installation in the grand stairwell. Jeff Williams will mess with the viewer’s perception. Eric Zimmerman created a mesmerizing light show. And Bari Ziperstein, who comes to us from Los Angeles, is creating a grouping of piñatas designed after modernist lamps, giving a nod not only to design, but also to the neighborhood surrounding Box 13.
The WINDOW BOX got smacked hard by IKE and has no windows currently.
So Tim will join us at the BOX another time for I Saw the Light: site specific installation
Timmy sez: "Through the bars on a window, from deep inside a grotto, springing from a hole in the abyss, the rays of some-thing-ness shoot forward, disappear in the firmament, and appear again as illuminated columns." Blake?:)
Without you I'm nothing
Curated by Teresa O’Connor
Michele Monseau, Matthew Steinke, Vicki Fowler, Philip Schultze
This exhibit,(gratuitous comma) explores the non-distinction(then why make the distinction?) between virtual and actual, and how one(gratuitous use of 'one') is able to learn about and communicate with virtual worlds through the internet-that offer actual and sincere(really? actual and sincere? good grief) non-mediated views of our world(nonsense, total nonsense).
Michele Monseau (San Antonio), Matthew Steinke (New York), Vicki Fowler (Chicago), Phillip Schulte (Berlin) (why do these guys get their cities listed?)
GREEN BOX (isn't that the name of a porno?)
Drawing in Time: Recent Videos
Heather Boaz
Heather Boaz, an artist from Baltimore, videotapes herself typing with fingers dipped in charcoal, tapping out Morse code, drawings with disappearing ink and blowing dust onto paper. She repeatedly types the password to her hotmail account and William Burroughs' “Language is a virus. . .” quote.
My Weltanschuung: Sentient Memory Reified
My Weltanschauung: Sentient Memory Reified
a snapshot illustrating the balance between accepting and rejecting the mini-asylum we all have inside.
No, really. That's a fucking lion.

NOT a doctored photo.
Bolivar Peninsula, First Baptist Church, Crystal Beach
Chron blog about Hurricane Ike rumors. Funny Shit.
Rumor: A lion and a tiger were wandering around the Bolivar Peninsula after Ike.
Verdict: True.
Rumor: The photo of the surviving home in Gilchrist is a fake.
Verdict: False.
Rumor: HPD has extended the 12-6 curfew on their own indefinitely, thus enacting martial law in Houston.
Verdict: Partially true.
Rumor: If you're out of power for five days, FEMA will pay you $2,000.
Verdict: Suspicious False
Rumor: A man died from suffering 1,000 mosquito bites.
Verdict: Partially true.
Did he receive that many bites? Yes. But as far as we know, he's still ticking.
Rumor: The statue that commemorates the 1900 hurricane in Galveston was destroyed.
Verdict: Not true.

Alan Bernstein : Chronicle
New Spaces in Houston!
Art is still growing in Houston, with 2 new alternative spaces sprouting despite a hurricane fucking up the whole city!

3400 Montrose, Suite 907
Houston, TX 77006
Opened by former CORE member Sasha Dela and UH grad and gallerist's daughter Ariane Roesch, Skydive was bashed in the face just a week before their first opening! Don't think that'll get 'em down- coming early October look for new info on the state of the space and their first opening. Insurance is Not Always Assured was conceptualized, curated and corralled before Ike was even a low pressure front off the coast of West Africa, so the uncanny irony is just frosting on a tasty cake featuring a performance by Chin Xaou Ti Won; artists Thomas Doran, Emily Thompson, John Williams, and Katie Grinnan.

1125 E 11th St.
Houston, Texas
Glasstire monster and former CORE kid Bill Davenport opens his potentially short-lived gallery on 11th Street in the Heights this October 3rd, adding to the burgeoning scene north of Washington Avenue. Starting with a British flair, Bill brings BLUNDERLAND our way (also NOT referring to Ike-related blunders) for all your representation post-modern painting needs. Titus would be happy. Betcha exhibitor Maggie Hills is good friends with Davenport's wife Francesca Fuchs, a German/English sculptor and former CORE fellow who fell in love with Houston and never left.
Git'Mo Clik sez:
Yall remem
Fuk witch
