Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Artery sez:

Bill Wolff, Howlin' Forest, The Artery Sculpture Park

Concert tonight! Friday's event with Gypsy Dance Theatre drew about 140 people, the show was stunning, everyone left happy and we have outrageously beautiful footage to edit in the coming months. Last night's jazz concert was inside due to the weather threat. My congratulations to the artists for a powerful presentation.

Now on to TONIGHT... one of the last chances to be comfortable outside in Houston until October... the weather and the talent have aligned to offer us another perfect evening, come if you can!

SUNDAY May 17 8:00pm no charge (donations accepted)
singer/songwriter night
8:00pm from Washington DC, Tom Goss

9:00pm from Boston, SWEET WEDNESDAY

TUESDAY June 23 8:30pm NOTE Changes
Indian Music Concert
Our guest speaker, SWAMIJI SUDDHANANDA, had to cancel but we
will cherish the opportunity for a night of Indian music!

SATURDAY August 1 8pm
poetry and music
Flamenco Poets Society presents: (indoors)
'Passages of Women and Flamenco Music'
5401 Jackson at Prospect (near the Children's Museum), enter on Prospect

Man, the Artery got punched in the mouf by Ike last year- but they're up and running and as strong as ever!