Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lawndale Needs Your Help (Volunteer!)

Friday, March 7th

5:30 - 8:30pm

'Lawndale Art Center hosts an opening reception and artist talks for new exhibiting artists Hana Hillerova, Chuy Benitez, Adam Schreiber and William Stewart. We are looking for fun friends to help us pour drinks and chat up the crowd about Lawndale."

Thursday, March 13th

8:30 - 11:30pm

"FotoFest2008 hosts a private BBQ for this year's curators in Lawndale Art Center's Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden. We will be opening our galleries for our guests to view during the event. We need gallery monitors and Lawndale enthusiasts to help us through the night and have a little bbq. "

(please note: this event is not a public opening. this is a call for volunteers only.)

If you're interested in helping out contact:

Mat Wolff
Volunteer Coordinator
Lawndale Art Center

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