Thursday, March 6, 2008

Photofest Down Unduh

"Booker-Lowe Gallery is pleased to be a participant in Fotofest 2008, the Twelfth International Biennial of Photography and Photo Related Art. We will be featuring Australian Peter Eve’s stunning images of the people and landscapes of the Kimberley. Artists Rusty Peters, Paddy Bedford and Peggy Patrick are among Eve’s subjects, photographed in environments that tell us about their lives in the past, working on pastoral stations, and today as contemporary artists. Eve’s landscapes evoke their spiritual significance to Aboriginal people."

Open House
“Beyond the Frontier: Photographs by
Australian Peter Eve”

11 am - 5 pmSaturday, March 8th
Booker-Lowe Gallery4623 Feagan Street
Houston 77007

I already personally find this spectacularly boring. What do photographers do now? Enough with the Third World and the Landscape imagery. Is the only thing left to manipulate with photoshop? And we all know how pathetic that can come across to.

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