Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This Weekend at MFAH Films

March 7 — 9, 2008

CAMH Teen Council Presents

Directed by Woody Allen
(USA, 1973, 88 minutes)

Friday, 7:00 p.m.

"Woody Allen plays Miles Monroe, cryogenically frozen in 1973 (he went into the hospital for an ulcer operation) and unthawed 200 years later. Society has become a sterile, Big Brother-controlled dystopia, and Miles joins the underground resistance—joined by a pampered rich woman (Diane Keaton at her bubbliest)."

Directed by Luke Meyer and Andrew Neel
(USA, 2006, 93 minutes)

Friday, 9:00 p.m.

"Darkon is a role-playing game that gathers some 2,000 active members in Baltimore, often in a soccer field, for medieval battles. Dressed in homemade armor and costumes and brandishing foam-padded weapons, gamers join one of the warring countries. And while these fights are simulated, it´s still a full-contact game, so the weak of heart and brittle of bone should . . . well . . . watch their [backs]." —Film Threat magazine

FotoFest 2008:
Pan-Chinese Cinema Now

Exiled (Fong juk)
Directed by Johnnie To
(Hong Kong, 2006, 110 minutes, subtitled)

Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, 7:00 p.m.
Recommended for adult audiences only.

"Johnnie To is such a steady practitioner of the Asian gangster genre that the ease with which he tosses off the pitch-perfect Exiled serves to disguise the superb craftsmanship and intelligence of its design. Make no mistake, though; this is an accomplished suspense-action piece that touches on universal themes of brotherhood, exile, love, and honor."
—Hollywood Reporter

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