Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Thing.

Out o' Creation.

Competition + Fundraiser to benefit arts organizations

Houston [September 23] - Fresh Arts members have noted the amount of wood, metal, bricks and trash currently available on our streets in Ike's wake.

Where are the Texas totem poles?
What about an oversize wood chair?
A currugated[sic] metal suit of armour?

As we regain our electricity we want to encourage a creative focus in our community using the abundance of materials on our yards and streets. Become cultural first responders and submit creations made from Ike remnants still littering the streets and yards of our city, go scour the streets, yards and ditches and start drilling, whittling, painting and welding your masterpiece.

Email pictures of your 'fresh art' to with the subject line: MADE FROM IKE

Do it by Monday, October 20.
All entries will be uploaded to the Fresh Farts photo album.

Fresh Arts' guest judges will select the top three and award cash $$$$$$ prizes.

Winning submission will receive twenty Ben Franklins.

Winners will be awarded on Friday, October 24 at the MADE FROM IKE fundraiser at Caroline Collective. Participants are encouraged to donate to the silent auction that will take place throughout the evening. Proceeds will benefit Americans for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund that helps local arts service organizations rebuild the arts in their communities. Entries to the silent auction must be submitted Friday, October 24th between 5 and 6pm at Caroline Collective.

Businesses, organizations and individuals wishing to donate to the silent auction
please contact

Fresh Arts Coalition, includes 25 arts orgasms that have joined together to collectively raise "awareness" of the "size" and "diversity" of Houston. For sick German porno that would make your mom fall off her wagon, visit

Fine print: Entries competing for cash prize must be objects made from Ike remnants. Photographs will not be eligible for competition but we do encourage photographers to donate their work to the silent auction to help Americans for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund.