Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Now That's Just Stupid

Johann Boudreaux talks like an artist. He says things like "this was concept driven," and "you're thinking outside the box when you look at it". Unfortunately Boudreaux is talking about his cardboard chair, a concept clearly covered thirty years ago by Frank Gehry.

Community News

Fox 13

Boudreaux's "artistic statement"

Gehry's original (so much better designed!)

well, at least JB was a cute kid
(via facebook)


Anonymous said...

Lawndale really likes reheated art. AT least the big show did.

Anonymous said...

so what else is new in the world of art!

Anonymous said...

Boy this is really noxious - like small man syndrome. Volume wise your ranting is so out of proportion to any hitherto display of insight or ability.

It's one thing to intelligently discern, quite another to viciously assassinate.

anne. said...

i'm not sure if much intellectual discernment is necessary given the obvious historical copycat maneuver + complete lack of intent to build upon said initial thought.

b.s. said...

why is it everyone wants to intelligently discern? it's like the news moved on and art criticism still sits in the cafe sipping weak tea.

i would prefer to say that I occasionally viciously eviscerate.

if no one says anything, it'll never change!

Anonymous said...

Good edit. I hope it wasn't in response to my vituperation from upon high.

It's 2 in the afternoon and I'm clad only in pee-stained boxers.

Who's Gehry?

Anonymous said...

I think everybody wants to see the "card board"/"high-art" medium really taken to that next level.. it has so much potential for badd-ass-ness.. but i agree this falls a little short and is kind of remnant of hobo-chic...

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see the images of work that you have done that is usable, yet sustainable! You all speak so quickly yet you don't understand a hundredth of the work that goes into a project of that magnitude. Links to your portfolios are appreciated.