Saturday, March 1, 2008

This Week in Houston

Pompeii: Tales from an Eruption - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston - March 2nd
"Pompeii tells the stories of the people and cities at the Bay of Naples who perished in the devastation wrought by the cataclysmic explosion of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. Bronze and marble sculptures, large-scale frescoes, jewelry, tools, table silver, gladiatorial armor, coins, and even skeletons reveal aspects of their lives and deaths. Nearly 500 objects are on view that are over 1,700 years old, and Houston is the last stop on the international tour before the works return to Italy." Does this tour have the potential of reintroducing the world to the ancients, the way it did during the 18th C. Should we prepare to rewelcome a neo-neo-post-new-wave classicism? :P

Austin Artist Barry Stone Creates a Photo Installation for BBAP
"Buffalo Bayou ArtPark (BBAP) is pleased to present, in conjunction with FOTOFEST 2008, Barry Stoneʼs large scale photo installation Decking the Path to Blessedness. The work will be on view at the Sabine Street ArtPark, just west of the Sabine Street Bridge, 100 Sabine Street, from March 1- May 2, 2008. There will be a picnic reception with the artist on March 8, 2008, from 3 to 5 pm." For more visit

Three exhibitions of contemporary photo-based work from China
Opening Receptions on Saturday, March 8, 2008, 6-8 PM
"Art League Houston is pleased to partner with FOTOFEST 2008 and its Twelfth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-Related Art in presenting three separate exhibitions of works by Chinese-based artists, Sun Guojuan, Chen Lingyang and Liu Lijie, March 8 - April 19, 2008. The opening reception for Sun Guojuan: Sweetness Forever, Chen Lingyang: Twelve Flower Months and Liu Lijie: Another Episode will be at Art League Houston on Saturday, March 8, 2008, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m." Is anyone tired of the Asian-Art-In-Houston-Explosion-Thing?

Opening and Reception for Transformational Light,
new works by Christopher Talbot
Opening reception is March 8th, 7 – 9 pm, with the show running through April 12th.

"Talbot's new body of work explores the transformation between day and night. The narrative suggested in each scene takes place under the subdued light of evening, while exploring the stereotypes of rural life. The color and beauty of light experienced as night approaches is an important part of the work. Multiple artificial light sources are added to each scene to build a contrast to the color of ambient light, and to add to the theatrical nature of the photographs." For more info, visit

Lawndale Art Center - March 7 – April 12, 2008
In conjunction with FOTOFEST2008
Opening Reception Friday March 7, 2008, 6:30-8:30 PM
Artist talks at 6:00 PM

Artists influde: Hana Hillerova , Chuy Benitez , Adam Schreiber , William Stewart , Lynne McCabe. Visit:

Core at 25: Milestone Anniversary for the Artists’ and Critics’ Residency Program at MFAH Glassell School - 2008 Core Artists in Residence Exhibiton
March 7 through April 18, 2008

Core Artists: Mequitta Ahuja
William Cordova
Kara Hearn
Andres Janacua
Lauren Kelley
Nicholas Kersulis
Sergio Torres-Torres
Jeff Williams

The Glassell School of Art is located at 5101 Montrose Boulevard, and is open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Everythings Cool - Aurora Picture Show
Saturday, March 8, 8pm
Sunday, March 9, 3pm

"A documentary about global warming in the wake of the chasm between scientific understanding and political action in the U.S. Come help discuss and create the political will and social movement to move toward a clean energy economy."
Does anyone else remember when Al Gore used to look like Superman? Now he's more like Lex Luthor, if he'd just lose the hair.

March 8 - May 18, 2008
Station Museum of Contemporary Art

"The works of art in this exhibition go beyond simple reportage or exposé. They document the events and emotional turmoil caused by terror, exclusion and loss. They demonstrate the artist’s ability to come to grips with the violent modern history of Colombia and transform this history into a positive source of truth and regeneration."

Did I miss anything? Post the info as a comment.

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