Saturday, March 1, 2008

Eifler's Projects Gallery

All Third year MFA candidates at the University of Houston are required to put together a small show in the Small Projects Gallery on the 4th Floor of the School of Art. This is where the thesis defense takes place. Here is the work of Jane Eifler:

(click images for larger reproduction)

It's hard to tell from my images, but on some of the drawings there is a plastic film laying over the paper. The paper works are collages, drawings, and paintings. The plastic causes an interesting shift in the imagery, especially when the artist adds some sort of clear medium to distort the original image further. There is a fair amount of breathing room created, and it allows the viewers eyes to walk around the composition. These drawings are the working material for her larger paintings. Eifler's larger paintings though are the antithesis of these works. They lack the strong variety, space, and air created by the smaller works. Rather they tend to create a wall, making it difficult for the viewer to find an entrance into the work. To see Eifler's larger paintings, stay posted for info on the MFA Thesis show, as well as future Projects Gallery material.

During the show, Eifler's fellow candidates celebrated by engaging in their Group925 collaborative mess:

Check out some of their earlier and later works by visiting


  1. hmmm s.o.b., i think most of the people in your shot of so-called "MFA candidates" are not in the program at all.

  2. Well then, let me clear it up for you. "During the show, SOME of Eifler's fellow candidates celebrated by engaging in their Group925 collaborative mess. Some are not seen in this ONE photo I singled out. It is a long hallway, trust me there are more there. Yes the tree makes a sound." Thank you anonymous for your very important comment.

  3. How funny - an "anonymous" poster that is hiding behind the thin gauze of blogmmenting safety. I bet this person is closer to the program than they have the balls to own up to - were you there that night and need to cry into your wine (whine) because you're not getting some attention? Well - maybe it isn't anyone we know - who the fuck wakes up at 7:04 in the fucking morning to comment on this blog?
    -925er (as well as an MFA candidate) not in photos but present.

  4. Hi! 2 things, and then I'm finished:
    1. I liked Jane's show. It was some of her best work, and I hope that she continues making art in this vein.
    2. about 925: we are a loose-knit group of miscreants including, but not limited to U of H MFA candidates. No, I am not in the program as Anonymous Bosch so kindly pointed out, but I am the most grateful and ecstatic life partner of Jeanne Cassanova, and am, by that group's original charter, a card-carrying member of 925. (Said charter is available for public viewing in the sub-basement of the Harris county courthouse, signed in the blood of the charter members, But it will cost you $296 to see it.)And, I am one of the individuals pictured in SOB's blog post, and am therefore entitled to have my say in the matter.

  5. (ahem)...As I was saying before I accidentally posted an incomplete comment,I have my say and it is this: 925 exists to have a good time. The way we do this is by tacking a big piece of paper on the wall and scribbling all over it like autistic kindergarteners. You out there in the "Houston art scene" can rest easy - we're in this only for some laughs, we're not trying to steal your thunder. Perhaps I don't speak for all 925 members, but that's my take on it. Those who do not recall the giddy thrill of doing a dirty drawing of your teacher in sixth grade will probably not get what this group is all about. It's about the most primitive,primal urges behind making marks on paper, and little else. As this is a group effort, there is no ego behind it, and the highly polished facade of technically well-done, but bad art is nowhere in sight. That's all I had to say, and thank you for your time!

  6. everyone in that picture is in the program...anyone who wants to dispute the fact can meet me on the roof of the art building tonight...midnight...bring your tactical boxcutter.

    america shall prevail!

  7. Well, would you look at that... i love you baby jr.

  8. i love you baby : 9-2-5 ::
    noam chomsky : ted kaczynski

  9. that's pretty sad if you believe the only collaborative art group has been in houston

  10. I'll be darned. The fifth I Love you baby copy from houston.

  11. i'll be darned, another douche

  12. Ahh, the old "something's been done before so it can never be done again" argument. Well, guess what folks: There's nothing to stop us from doing what we want to do. If we want to collaborate, we will collaborate. Maybe that's why everybody bitches and moans so much- they're so worried about bullshit originality that they become too paralyzed with fear to create anything of interest. At least 925 makes work. I hope that 5000 copies of groups like this sprout up in Houston and everywhere else. Lots of people having lots of fun? God forbid that should be allowed!
