Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rehab Makes Everything Better

Is that why the DA is stepping out? I think not.
Spread that bullshit thick, Chuck- 'cause I can still see through it.

Rosenthal cites prescription drugs in decision to quit DA post

Chuck Rosenthal stepped down as Harris County district attorney Friday after six weeks of mounting pressure and intense scrutiny brought by the exposure of embarrassing e-mails that prompted calls for his resignation from all but his closest allies.

Rosenthal, 62, said a combination of prescription drugs had impaired his judgment, and constant media coverage of his controversial e-mails — which included some sexually explicit and racist content, along with affectionate notes to his executive assistant — had taken its toll on his family.

"Although I have enjoyed excellent medical and pharmacological treatment, I have come to learn that the particular combination of drugs prescribed for me in the past has caused some impairment in my judgment," Rosenthal wrote in his resignation letter.

As recently as 10 days ago, Rosenthal publicly denied having any problems with medication to deal with pain.

At a Feb. 5 meeting with about 20 of his upper echelon administrators, Rosenthal addressed "rumors that he was addicted to painkillers" that he had heard was going around, said Julian Ramirez, a division chief.

Rosenthal said he didn't even take painkillers, Ramirez said.

Rosenthal's rapid downfall began Nov. 29, when Kelley filed a motion seeking to hold him contempt of court for deleting more than 2,500 e-mails that had been subpoenaed in connection with a federal civil rights lawsuit. Brothers Erik and Sean Ibarra filed the lawsuit against Harris County, claiming sheriff's deputies wrongfully arrested them and destroyed film in their camera six years ago after one of them photographed a deputy at a drug raid.

(some times it's the little things that count)

On Tuesday, the Harris County Commissioners Court will consider paying an outside law firm an additional $77,000 to defend him, Graham and Assistant District Attorney Scott Durfee in the Ibarra lawsuit. That would be in addition to $50,000 already approved by the court.

Meanwhile, Kelley said he will go forward with the other part of his removal petition seeking to expel Sheriff Tommy Thomas from office.

The lawsuit accuses Thomas of incompetency and misconduct, alleging he accepted benefits for his ranch from county vendors, failed to investigate the crimes and civil rights violations reported by the Ibarra brothers and gained "special advantage" for his son, Brent Thomas, when the younger man was arrested last year for possession of cocaine.

Here's a little Amy in your eye Chuck.

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