Saturday, February 16, 2008

Frank Olson Oscillates Through the Interwebs

Haha. I wondered why this video had so many hits, and finding out that 12% of viewers are watching it on the site of equipment corp Global Industrial was frigging left field. I guess that's what happens when you tags something with the word "oscillating".

Another video from last year, when a curator at the Menil let me video Robert Rauschenberg's Radiant White from the Cardboards exhibit, is up on a lesson plan for a Dutch Correspondence School and has been viewed 22 times there (out of 1,598) by 'students'. I can't be too specific since I can't read dutch and someone who can read it and just said it was written badly. We couldn't figure out if they were supposed to make a video or write a paper or if it's just part of a badly written Rauschenberg bio. Anyone read Dutch?

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