Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Short Film Burning a Hole in Your Pocket?

FOTOFEST2008 - Film Program Call for Entries
March 8 - April 6, 2008

Deadline: February 29, 2008

In cooperation with FOTOFEST2008, the 12th international Biennial of Photography and Photo-related art in Houston, Southwest Alternate Media Project (SWAMP) has opened a call for submissions of short films inspired by FotoFest’s two inter-related themes of “China” and “Transformations.”

Whether you have traveled there or not, the subject of China and so many things Chinese have permeated our lives here in the USA. So, if the thought of China inspires you or exasperates you, SWAMP challenges filmmakers from Texas to imagine China by producing a short film on the topic for presentation to international and national audiences during the exhibition (March-April 2008). Films concerning the alternate Fotofest theme of “Transformations,” which are not necessarily about China, will also be considered.

If our distinguished jurors select your short film, it will be screened at a special presentation at the prestigious Brown Auditorium at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston on Saturday, April 5, 2008. In addition, it will be considered for inclusion in the 33rd season of THE TERRITORY (2008-09), SWAMP’s short film showcase series broadcast on Texas PBS stations. Other perks to celebrate adventurous filmmakers and their work include: free April 5 screening tickets for friends and family members; a beautiful FOTOFEST 2008 catalogue; continuous showing at the FotoFest gallery; and whatever else we can think of!


  • Work must be 10 minutes or less (including credits)
  • All ages are invited to submit
  • Applicants must be from Texas
  • All genre—doc, experimental, narrative—will be considered
  • Submit only one work per theme
  • New or recent work is preferred; all work must be produced after 2004


  • A DVD or VHS screener, labeled with title, year, running time, and your name
  • A brief bio (just a few sentences, please)
  • Your contact information (phone #, physical address, email)
  • A self-addressed, stamped envelope, if you want your screener back (Screeners will not be returned otherwise.)


1519 West Main
Houston, TX 77006-4709

Call Michelle Mower @ 713-522-8592 x 2 or email

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