Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Arroz University Tomorrow

Charlie Roberts
MAMBO JAMBO: Cabinet of the Cosmos
Rice University Art Gallery
January 24 - March 2, 2008

opening January 23rd
5:30 - 7:30pm

ride the train!

"A colossal wooden cabinet will reach almost to the gallery’s ceiling; its open doors will extend toward the gallery’s side walls. Roberts will fill the cabinet with wooden sculptures he will build on site, while the doors will be covered with almost 200 of his detailed paintings."

Wunderkammer anyone?

Dude says he invented the phrase "Mambo Jambo" for the show, but he's sorely mistaken. Seems it is the name of a restaurant in Florida, a record by the Perez Prado Orchestra, a record label and a party night in Kuala Lumpur. Must be taking a shit while he's reading the paper there...

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