Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The new new Southmore House

Ever since its first incarnation on Southmore Street in the Museum District [sic] Third Ward, the Southmore House has been in clear and present danger of being run out by upscale development. First on Southmore, then at the corner of La Branch and Wheeler, over to Leeland Street in the Warehouse District and now down off Telephone Road Southmore has always been a large part of the punk rock, death metal, hardcore and noise music scenes in Houston. In its first few years in I saw a vibrant scene develop around the place and Southmore Dave; its art events, improv music sessions, the band The Day After Yesterday, Naked Tuesdays (debauchery), and theater experiments. After the Warehouse District move Edd took over and focused attention on noise and hardcore music, providing a steady spot of young bands and out-of-towners. Holding it together these days, Southmore is looking to move into new digs.

"edd is moving out of state, and 2915 delafield is not doing shows. corey, harris, and andrew are looking for a new place, and a lot of the same people are still booking shows. we will have a few shows in temporary locations: PUNXMAS will be held at patchs and mirandas house. (we will put the address up in the show section later... its down the street from the leeland warehouse. ) we are still working on a location for CRUSTMAS, but we think we will figure it out in the next few days (we're still open for suggestions though). we've looked at a few new warehouses already and the future looks promising.

more details will be forthcoming
call corey 281-690-0295
or harris 713-822-8280
or andrew (we dont want to put his number up without permission. just call corey and tell him youd rather talk to andrew)

we are going to make this work. dont worry guys."

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