Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Everett Taasevigen Photos From Jena Rally

Exhibited last weekend at Robert Pruitt's house, presented with Voices Breaking Boundaries

and some more photos from Everett!

"This is the very site of The Lower 9th Ward Levee break in New Orleans, Louisiana. This was one of a few levee breaks AFTER Katrina, 2005, was over. Hindsight. A "taller levee" the levee wall is only about 1 foot taller now, however, NOW its made with steel reinforcements that go deep enough down into the ground to actually hold during a hurricane or, hold back the water after one. Years ago in an effort for the City of New Orleans to save money the building contractors were instructed NOT to build the Lower 9th ward levee walls as strong as the ones in the "wealthy areas"." -e.t.

y mas...

from behind the bar at G Gallery

at the MFAH Party

Shirley C. at the local convenience store: USA, Texas, Fayetteville County

July 13th, 2007

Hi Everett!

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