Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Outposts on the Range

Christian McClain + Lauren Kelley

Houston has two new advocates, courtesy some of those ex-pat artists that flow like blood from this city. Up in Chicago Sam Duncan and Vicki Fowler have opened Motherland to explore their love of artists from Texas and the Pacific Northwest- and to try to reach the collectors, artists and students of the Windy City. Opening recently, plywood drawings by Christian McClain and video by Lauren Kelley.

Texas Firehouse

Up in Brooklyn Wyatt Nash has led the Texas Firehouse from a warehouse overlooking the Washington Bridge into "the best rooftop BBQ view in town". Houstonians Jason Villegas, Seth Mittag, Allison Hunter, Scott Calhoun, Peter Precourt, The Sugarbeats and God's Temple of Family Deliverance round out the Texas-fried lineup along with former Press writer Lance Scott Walker.


  1. hey b.s what up? Come see us and curate a show
