Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Four on the Block

No good openings this weekend? Oh well. There are four good galleries off the corner of Alabama and Main in Midtown, and this month they all have cool shows too. Brave the the sweat and the Texas heat and mosquiters for a little action. From north to south:

Darren Waterston at Inman is a little bit metal, his watercolor washes always come with a skull or a creepy castle hidden somewhere. Pretty cool, but kinda like fantasy posters.

Peter Lamb at CTRL looks like he makes little collages and paintings, but these are big-ass six foot prints. Good video and a sweet little installation in the back too.

Misaki Kawai at Kinzelman has made a reputation out of her found fabric and trash installation and sculpture. Her paintings here aren't as awesome, but they are still giggle inducing.

Young-Min Kang has some whirling scenery slices at Finesilver, recommended for acid trips and getting rid of pesky perceptions about reality.

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