Thursday, September 24, 2009

Annise Parker for Mayor and against Art


skip to :21...

"I won't fund museums we can't afford..."

If this hardass is elected we can expect a tough few years for local arts funding; after hearing from people that she only wanted to fund permanent public art (and was specifically against other, more temporary forms, development grants, etc) I was skeptical of supporting Parker- but her involvement in the Wayne Dolcefinko hubub last year was not a fluke. She's taking her art-hatin' to the airwaves in an effort to sew up outer-loop support that may not like her position as a prominent LGBT politician.



  1. Not funding "museums and stadiums we can't afford" doesn't equal hating art. Does not funding a stadium mean you hate sports? Face it, not every gets everything they want. It's called scare resources.

  2. Well David, you work for the lady, can't you get up the vinegar to say something stronger than that?

  3. yeah, very SCARY indeed... hahahaha

    but 4 realz? wut did u expect? she was going after graffiti years ago.

    well, no one tried to stop her....

  4. god damn it annise.

  5. I will say i'd rather have a decent police force... I don't like getting felt up for my wallet walking to the door of my house.

  6. /feels up vanessa

  7. Apparently, Annise Parker, the City Controller, does NOT understand that funding for Houston museums does NOT come from Houstonians' pockets - it comes from the Hotel Occupancy Tax, which tourists and visitors pay when they stay at Houston hotels. Houston needs someone as mayor who understands how the budget and public funding works, and that person clearly is NOT Annise Parker.

  8. this blog got real slow, real fast
