Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Signs for Obtuse Artists

The Contemporary Art Museum's curator Valerie Oliver just handed out the Sondheim Artscape Prize in Baltimore over the weekend and the 25 grand prize went to sweet collective Baltimore Development Cooperative! BDC built a geodesic dome on the front porch of the Baltimore Museum of Art and made a crap-ass cardboard crane covered in messy cityscapes. They beat out Jessie Lehson, who built an adobe wall in the grass and exhibited sand paintings as well as Leslie Furlong, Ryan Hackett, Molly Springfield and Karen Yasinsky. BDC member Scott Berzofsky sez: "I think the jurors were attracted to the socially engaged nature of our work," which is a good sign for the continued upward trajectory of collaborative and collective artwork like the bourgeois-skewering "Yacht Shop" at the CAMH by Benji Mason and Zach Moser, Dan Havel and Dean Ruck's architecture-destroying "Give and Take" in the same show, Thriller-mocking Performance Art Lab and crowd-sourcers everywhere. In the same spirit I'm lifting these pics despite the BMA's claim to copyright, they can come down here and take 'em back if they wanna :)

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