Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goin' Back To Cali? I Don't Think So

I'm a broke homeless starving artist in need of help. (Houston, TX)

Reply to:
Date: 2009-07-15, 12:20PM CDT

I'm a broke homeless starving artist. I've lost my car, my apartment, my job. I’ve been clean and sober for over 20 years, so it’s not a drug or alcohol problem that got me here. This economy just got the better of me. I’m from Hollywood, CA, the movie business crash made me bankrupt and was hoping to get a job here quickly, but it's been a slow process. and decided to move to Houston because they say the economy is good here, but it's not that great. California was supposed to pay me and a million others unemployment, but they're bankrupt and turned us all down. There’s a big class action suit lawsuit forming against the state.
Please help me out. Please Paypal me even just a dollar at "".
I'm just too proud and embarrassed to beg on the street. I spent two nights on the streets of Houston The first night I was near a drive by shooting at a Starbucks and last night I slept in a Wal-Mart parking lot and had to chase away a potential mugger. I never ever felt like a loser in life until last night.
I'm a really smart guy, high IQ, I'm an accountant/computer tech/commercial airplane pilot/script writer/music producer. Also I could use some work in any of the mentioned areas or manual labor. I'm a power lifter and quite capable of doing manual labor.

1 comment:

  1. I call bullshit on this one. How's he checking his e-mail? I guess he could at a public library...but come on. if he's all of those things he could have taken a job at burger king to tide him over till he got an accounting job.
