Thursday, June 11, 2009

News Wrangler

John Wesley, December 5, 1998

Hello, and welcome to All Venice Things Considered. This year's Biennale was an artist's artists affair, replete with aesthetic discussions, eye-rolling, celebrity sightings and a complete absence of chatter about selling anything. Enjoy!

Art Fag City goes there for the first time, and Paddy's not impressed

The New York Times has a great collection of photos of good and not so good art. Can you spot Bill Arning in his Texas-weather-seersucker suit?

Ben Davis sez: "the title of the 2009 Biennale, "Making Worlds," is comically forgettable." He liked it.

Artforum Diary jettisons last year's hyperbole for this year's good time vibe.

Some moving pictures to see:
slo-mo Mad Max tribute from the Australians
pirate artists on the low seas
Norwegian dead gay guy in the pool pavilion
more pirates
Paul Chan's lightbox orgy
Maori artist George Nuku (and here he is tattooing faces)

Now it's on to complain about the prices at Art Basel!

Best Twitter from the Venice Biennale is a tie:

@artfagcity Pirate boat artists just shrugged as the floated past a bunch of us Marooned on an island. "Fuck you hippies"

@artnetdotcom Seen at the Venice Biennale: cogent piece of art criticism, posted at the water taxi stop

Bloggblast! New, good and frothy summer blogs:

Cody Ledvina, of the joanna, started a blog of videos with less than 200 hits, let the obtuse juxtaposition begin!

Nancy Douthey, a member of the Performance Art Lab, is taking a tour of Earthworks of the west, and she's letting y'all tag along! Tour begins June 12.

Anonymously, some anonymous person has decided to start a blog named Glasstired. Hilarious? We'll see...

Stephanie Martz, regarding discards, 2009

Last week to see Round 3 of the Lawndale Studio Program's residents, Stephanie Martz, Noah Simblist and Bob Sennhauser over on Main Street. Good luck to everyone who applied to this year's residency!

Plus+++ last week at DBHB for Dean Ruck and Rauschenberg's Lotus Series (the last work he did, made from photos of China he took in the 80s)

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