Thursday, May 28, 2009

It was so fucking weird to be reminded of this reality

Communal Death Duck

That headline is a line from Christina Rees' article on Glasstire about Dallas losing its galleries. And their art writers. And their collectors.

In other arty news...

Will the SCOPE Fair in Basel be canceled for the children?

Mary Ellen Carroll has the hookup with Gourmet magazine... they even wrote about her Sharpstown "home remodeling"

Covering cover songs and remixing them into submission, art rock group Communal Death Duck has released their new album online, Pink Pony

In Perez Hilton-style art news, Sam Taylor-Wood (who skipped out on her talk at the CAMH last summer due to tabloid scrutiny) was seen stepping out with a young'un and the Brits went all atwitter.

From the same tabloid- What to see something crazy?

Plus+++ Lucas Johnson review war! Which one is best? This one, that one, or the other?

1 comment:

  1. They must have spent all their money on drugs.
