Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spacetaker's Got the Scoop!

6th Annual A/V Swap
Info Session

May 27, 2009

Call for Entries

Recommended Event

Join Sean Morrissey Carroll at the Spacetaker ARC for an informal information session to learn about the process and rules of the 6th year of this exciting collaboration!

What is the AV Swap?

Originally started in Houston TX, the AV Swap is an annual event that brings together the creative minds of musicians and filmmakers in an experimental collaborative event.

This year, the Swap is accepting submissions from New York participants who’s work can be shown at both the New York and Houston screenings.

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate! Whether you’re shooting on 35mm or your cell phone, whether you mix beats on Pro Tools or play the spoons, as long as you can get the pieces to us in the right formats, all are welcomed to join in on the fun.

How does it work?

Participants either submit a video piece without a soundtrack or an audio piece without any visuals.(Pieces should be no longer than 5 minutes)

The AV Swap Team spend the next couple of days to take the submissions and facilitate the swap. Filmmakers will be given a piece of audio that they will have to create an original short film for. Musicians will be given a short film to create an original soundtrack for. Eveyone is given 3 weeks to create these original pieces.

The new pieces are submitted to the AV Swap Team who will prepare all the pieces for the screening.

New Houston A/V Swap Director Sean Morrissey Carroll has over 10 years of art event plannning.

The event premiere will take place in August with the first drop off days in June. (Looking for some volunteers who can help us make this event successful. So if you are great designing web pages or are interesting in becoming a hosting sponsor than please contact us back immediately.)

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