Friday, April 17, 2009

Pics from the Student Competition at Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green
large scale, low impact
(that's their slogan)

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green


Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green

Gulf Coast Green
Hi Mat Wolff! He was there with the AIA

Gulf Coast Green
That's where all the friggin' trolleys went! Sitting behind the Astrodome rusting.

Winners announced at Noon today; Symposium open and free all weekend
at Reliant Park upstairs from the Bridal Show (which should be hilarious)
Don't pay eight bucks to park, park on La Concha or take the train

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