Monday, April 13, 2009

Leigh Boone has passed

from the souladventurer:

I'm sorry to say this to those who don't know, particularly over the internet. Leigh Boone has fought hard to stay with us. The doctors have done all that they could but all resources have been exhausted. Our beautiful and loving friend, Leigh, will not be returning, but will live on forever in our hearts.

There will be some benefits to come, one at Poison Girl this Monday. This Danseparc (4/25) will also be dedicated to her and a portion of the proceeds will go to her family. It was originally a Pretty in Pink theme especially for her before any of this happened. She loved the song and the movie. Please wear something pink. We'll have a jar if you would like to contribute extra money to her family.

There is now a way to contribute if you are not in Houston or prefer to do so electronically.

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