Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Too Much Cake: New Performances @ Co-Lab

Too Much Cake: New Performances


613 Allen St
Austin, TX 78702
(512) 300-8217

Event: Saturday, March 21, 1-11:30PM

Please join Co-Lab for Too Much Cake, bringing performance artists from across Texas to this showcase of emerging talent, linking postmodern strategies to street performance and appropriation. Using the mainstays of Conceptualism and Performance art as a starting point, these artists bring the outside world into their work, initiating a dialogue with popular culture. Many works in the show are being exhibited for the first time. Artists in the exhibition include Daniel Adame, Balls Deep, James Beard, Bunnyphonic, Aisen Chasin, Patrick Doyle, Emcee Eats, Michael Anthony Garcia, Cody Ledvina, Misc. Diskette, Christian Ochoa, Frank Olson, David Waddell, and Julia Wallace.

On view March 21, 2009, the event is organized by Co-Lab and The American Wandering Club. This event is being held concurrently with EASTSIDE ESCAPE.

Everyone has a reason, and in Texas it’d better be big. In the center of the country a distinct meme has emerged, coupling populism with interdisciplinary art. Indulging in gluttonous capitalism for the past decade, far away from recognition-hungry New York and fame-seeking Los Angeles, the artists of Too Much Cake have freely experimented with the corpse of performance art, eviscerating the ‘need to be present’ inherent in careerist gamesmanship. Creating communities in Austin, San Antonio and Houston, these artists bring their lives into their work and take their art home with them.


Trail of Love, 2009

1:15 - 1:30 Patrick O'Brien Doyle

sexyATTACK at Museum of Fine Arts Mixed Media Party, Christian Ochoa w/ sexyATTACK, 2008

2 - 2:15 Christian Ochoa

Harvesting Baby Fear, 2008

2:45 - 3 Cody Ledvina

Like the Pulse of Stars Projected on the Dome of a Planetarium, 2007

3:30 - 3:45 Misc. Diskette

4:15 - 4:30 Frank Olson

Dr. Pepper, 2008

5 - 5:15 Julia Wallace

Untitled, Westheimer Block Party, 2008

5:45 - 6 Aisen Chacin

Sister Golden Hair, 2007

6:30 - 6:45 Bunnyphonic

Marker Head Marker/Drawing In Space, 2008

7:15 - 7:30 Daniel Adame

Homeland Security Tour (Dick Cheney's House), 2007

8 - 8:15 David Waddell

¡VĂ­stete!, 2008

8:45 - 9 Michael Anthony Garcia

9:30 - 9:45 James Beard

Hurricane Bear with the Galveston Daily News, 2008

10:30 - 11 Balls Deep

11 - 11:30 Emcee Eats


  1. Excuse me? I ain't experimentin with no corpses, thank you very much.

    but the other stuff sounds pretty good :)

  2. it's a corpse made of cake!
