Monday, March 30, 2009

Hericlitus Rules

Pics from "Dogs Bark" Norberto Gomez Jr. at the U Houston project space!


"The greatest problem with Hericlitus' ideas is that they make a kind of diabolical sense. Remember that Anaximander's concept of the boundless explained the perceptible by the imperceptible. Yet, if it is not perceptible what right do we have to say it exists. Hericlitus' statements posed the greatest challenge that Greek philosophy had to struggle with. Consider this; If everything we interact with is constantly changing we can never know anything about it because once we learned anything about it, it would change and become something else. At the same time scientific knowledge, as conceived by the Greeks, is knowledge that cannot be different than it is. Thus, scientific knowledge is not possible."

-Wallace Provast, God, Science and Religion






+++Plus: Check out Wax by the Fire for a nice review of the show!

Here's a snippet: "It’s art for an audience of artists, and Norberto Gomez, Jr.’s show exemplifies this. The selection of drawings and two videos on small monitors makes for a tight exhibition. Each work illustrates a aphoristic (I think I might have made that word up) fragment by Heraclitus the Obscure."

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