Monday, September 22, 2008

Pugilistic Attitude

Opening night for five exhibitions

at BOX 13 ArtSpace
Saturday, September 27, 2008
7:00 - 9:00 pm

September 27 through October 25, 2008

Architecture of Perception
Curated by Elaine Bradford
Katy Heinlein, Rebecca Ward, Jeff Williams, Eric Zimmerman, Bari Ziperstein

what seemed a collection of artists with architectural ideas were invited to produce a sculpture heavily influenced by design.

Katy Heinlein of Houston produces new fabric draping pieces, working on an intimate scale. Rebecca Ward will be creating an installation in the grand stairwell. Jeff Williams will mess with the viewer’s perception. Eric Zimmerman created a mesmerizing light show. And Bari Ziperstein, who comes to us from Los Angeles, is creating a grouping of piƱatas designed after modernist lamps, giving a nod not only to design, but also to the neighborhood surrounding Box 13.


The WINDOW BOX got smacked hard by IKE and has no windows currently.
So Tim will join us at the BOX another time for I Saw the Light: site specific installation
Timmy sez: "Through the bars on a window, from deep inside a grotto, springing from a hole in the abyss, the rays of some-thing-ness shoot forward, disappear in the firmament, and appear again as illuminated columns." Blake?:)

Without you I'm nothing
Curated by Teresa O’Connor
Michele Monseau, Matthew Steinke, Vicki Fowler, Philip Schultze

This exhibit,(gratuitous comma) explores the non-distinction(then why make the distinction?) between virtual and actual, and how one(gratuitous use of 'one') is able to learn about and communicate with virtual worlds through the internet-that offer actual and sincere(really? actual and sincere? good grief) non-mediated views of our world(nonsense, total nonsense).

Michele Monseau (San Antonio), Matthew Steinke (New York), Vicki Fowler (Chicago), Phillip Schulte (Berlin) (why do these guys get their cities listed?)

GREEN BOX (isn't that the name of a porno?)
Drawing in Time: Recent Videos
Heather Boaz

Heather Boaz, an artist from Baltimore, videotapes herself typing with fingers dipped in charcoal, tapping out Morse code, drawings with disappearing ink and blowing dust onto paper. She repeatedly types the password to her hotmail account and William Burroughs' “Language is a virus. . .” quote.

My Weltanschuung: Sentient Memory Reified

Whitney Riley and sound designer Doren Bernard present
My Weltanschauung: Sentient Memory Reified
a snapshot illustrating the balance between accepting and rejecting the mini-asylum we all have inside.

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