Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Michael and his boytoy"

"Hiding Out in Africa"

Ha ha ha ha... Dallas collector Kenny Goss shows up on Perez Hilton getting ripped off buying sunglasses with George Michael in South Africa (After Michael's recent brush with the law over his repeated drug use)

The Times has discovered that Michael and his boytoy have been staying at the upscale, $1,500 a night Lion Sand private game resort in Mpumalanga for the past week.

The two have spent several days in the resort's private chalet, with its own private pool. They've been enjoying private game drives as well.

Oh, and they were flown by helicopter to a nearby town, White River, to buy some sunglasses after Michael's pair were damaged. And after the 15 minute helicopter ride, Michael and Goss spent the day shopping in town.

Local salesmen said that Michael spent a "sufficient amount of money" on three pairs of sunglasses and a pair of reading glasses for Kenny. In other words, they got ripped off.

He also spent hundreds of dollars at a local art gallery, River Glass, where the manager said all the items purchased were “slightly African inspired."

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