Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can You At Least Break Us Off Some Cake?

The NYTimes decided to focus their hurricane Ike coverage on the *least* of us all.

“Hard to believe, but I had one of the best meals I’ve ever had thanks to Ike,” said Ilene Allen, a vice president of the real estate firm Hines Inc., who the day after the storm invited 18 friends to her house in the city’s River Oaks area. “Everyone agreed to bring the best stuff in their freezers, and to let the rest go.”

The meal included Kobe beef, venison sausage, baby lamb chops and chicken — all cooked on a large gas grill outdoors. There was thawed sweet corn and broccoli, as well as salad greens mixed with canned mandarin oranges, hearts of palm and slivered almonds.

“We also had some very good wine and Champagne, whatever people happened to have in the fridge,” Ms. Allen said, adding that it was an elegant candlelit affair save for the paper plates.

via NYTimes Snob Section

1 comment:

  1. oh tee hee, isn't slumming it while the rest of the city sits in the dark just toooo much fun Sean!?

    why yes i'll have a side of that rare unicorn meat you've been keeping frozen sense ww2.
