Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lecture Tomorrow en la Manana

Dr. Franklin played a seminal role in the landmark Brown vs. the Board of Education case, marched on Washington in 1963 and in Selma with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston presents the MFAH Lecture: Reflections on a Century of Change in African American Art and Life.

August 1st, 10 am (Donut reception held at 9 am)

Dr. John Hope Franklin
James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of History
Duke University

Dr. John Hope Franklin, now 93, reigns supreme as the dean of American history. From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans, his definitive account of the black experience in America, first published in 1947, remains the core text in the field of African American studies with more than 3 million copies sold.

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