Thursday, July 31, 2008

Eli as Ally

"Every year there are new galleries and art spaces in Houston. We are getting bigger slowly but surely. I think Houston could be the next major art city. I think we have no where to go but up. And I want to be here to see it, and to help build it."

Nice interview with hat-wearer Eli Brumbaugh about Artstorm and their new digs in the Museum District at Caroline Collective featured on Houstonist!

Eli offers a quick critique on the failure of other orgs to garner excitement; "Well, ArtStorm was the first gallery that didn't ask me for a resume."

Check out a review of their "Creature Comforts" show HERE.

What started Brumbaugh on his descent into the seedy artworld? Artcrawl of course.

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