Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Space Cadet

For Tyler Green, on the anniversary of the Bush 2 "Mission Accomplished" press conference, today seems like as good'a time as any to point out that postmodernism is dumb.

Baudrillard, Derrida and Foucault were stupid cunts. Lets try and learn from history instead. The simulacra? Stupid. Hyperreality? Idiot.

Pearls Before Swine, April 29, 2008

Tyler and his blog Modern Art Notes are asking for bloggers to submit their suggestions for artwork with an eye on history; contemporary thought as memory of war.

Mel Chin, The Shape of a Lie, 2005

Mel Chin, WMD, 2004-5

Robert A. Pruitt, Elegant Garveyite, 2006

Robert A. Pruitt, Sandinista, 2006

Mark Hesterlee, Abettor of the New Era, 2008

Mark Hesterlee, Total Nonstop Action, 2008

There are a lot of wars we shouldn't forget, and a lot of history that no one knows.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think they are 'stupid cunts'. We can learn a lot from them as we can from Hegel's theory of history. The problem comes from those who take their words to the extreme. And for the art world especially, these ideologues took control with an iron fist. I also think they took it to a level that Baudrillard, Derrida and the others would have probably disagreed with (and I think many times they publicly did!).

    And if we're gonna post war art, let's post some pro-war Futurist material too.
