Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Hear Voices

Bill says:

VBB (Voices Breaking Boundaries) continues its Living Room Art series this evening at the home of John Pluecker, 5036 Jefferson St, Houston. New site-specific installations by Jorge Galvan and Donna Huanca. 7 pm. FREE.

Britt says:

Dancers from Nayikas, a New York-based classical Indian Odissi dance theater company, will interact with [Houston artist Molly] Gochman's steel sculptures as part of a performance during the [EnGendered] festival.

Q: How did you come to be in this festival? I understand that you're the only non-Asian participating.

A: They wanted an outside perspective. It's in New York, so having an American perspective was a desire. The visual-arts component of the festival is called Pardah, which means unveiling.

My work usually deals with fabric and, conceptually, my work challenges boundaries. Gender issues are brought up in my work. The theme of the show addresses the complex realities of gender and sexuality in contemporary South Asia.

Frank told me Smitty says:

Find more videos like this on ArtsHouston

Ride for Obama 08 says:

Also I just ate an entire sleeve of Hostess Chocolate Donuts...excuse me, "donettes" according to the discarded packaging. I don't feel so good.

I know the starting plans:

We're meeting at the Pearl Bar on Washington Ave at 4.

Bring your bike, skate, wahatever you need to roll with us and 10 bucks for the donation! I can't wait to see everyone! I'm very excited and hope this goes smoothly, but how can it not with plenty of beer and our amazing group of friends?



  1. hello
    im not really leaving this comment about this post more so that i enjoyed a post you made a year ago
    better late than never. i just found your blog and i really enjoyed name is jorge javier lopez
    i was part of the cherry picked 2007 show at wfma and i really enjoyed your post about it. thank you
