Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hunting Jumps The Gun

The jurors of this year's Hunting Prize (or someone in the office) are already gearing up to narrow their over 100 name long "short-list" down to one artist- who will receive the boner-inducing amount of $50,000 for pleasing the aristocrats.

Joan Fabian has been an early victim of the purge, and her story is a doozy!!!

Opposite of Peace, 2007

Hi Everyone, I have an interesting turn of events. I was a finalist for the 2008 line up and just was notified that my art work was disqualified!!!! They gave me no explanation after I had a wooden crate built and paid for shipping (as they required!). They only put a blurb on about how they can disqualify anyone they want. So I did some research.

I contacted one of the jurors, who were going to chose pieces by viewing the actual works, and he said they never seen my piece. I called a representative of Hunting and she told me that they had nothing to do with the disqualification process and that it was the jurors that did the disqualifying because it wasn't a "painting". What gives? I tried to get a clear answer and they asked me to pay for shipping my work back to myself.

I think it is interesting to note that my painting is non traditional "over the sofa" type of painting but I consider it a painting!!!! If you look closely at the work you will see the word "WAR". Do you think they saw it?

Interesting, but I think other artists should realize that the Hunting Art Prize is not what it wants to appear. I was in the gala last year and there was some really bad paintings and some good ones.

The taste of oil barons really lacks.


  1. Dear artist,

    I saw the word War...i saw it... and it made my heart bleed.

    Though it is bullshit they disqualify anything not-traditional painting....



  2. Pretty lame. I personally like the piece. but.

    Um, Pretty obvious why they disqualified it.

    I think all I have to say is, "of course they saw the word WAR"


  3. All I have to say to that is: why didn't they see the word WAR before? three curators selected this piece to be a finalist out of all the applicants.

  4. my guess is someone saw it first as an abstract piece and when the others figured it out someone said get rid of it

    why else would there be no answers to her questions?

    looks like a classic case of censorship

  5. i like pro-war art
