Monday, April 14, 2008

Houston Masters '08

No it's not golf, it's art.

University of Houston's Blaffer Gallery pulled out the stops to present an overwhelming show for the graduating Masters seniors. Woody Golden's potentially catastrophic installation went off without a hitch, filling the 2-story gallery floor-to-ceiling with a twisting abode based on a sci-fi spaced-out text that seems to channel Dio lyrics. Iskra Ivanova hauled her ceramic mountain peaks up to the back gallery and filled out the night with ruckus Slavic dances and songs by children and troupes of young couples. The gallery was transformed from spare and open space to labyrinthine rooms. Despite the MFAH's John Alexander opening (promising lions and tigers and bears and celebrities from New York) gallerists and curators were still a presence among the families and students that attempted (unsuccessfully) to drain the keg before the lights went out at the world-weary hour of nine.

Sketch Klubb members check out Woody Golden's installation

Kelli Vance with... Kelli Vance

Ann Marie and Peter

Elia Arce video still

Measa sez; buy the book, yo.

photos by Karen Lopez via Artshouston

1 comment:

  1. Karen Lopez was the photog... Kara was elsewhere that night...
