Monday, April 28, 2008

Beating Dead Horses

Also rejected by the Hunting Prize for questionable aesthetic and/or political reasons

Carlos Cuevas from Canyon, Texas

Carlos Cuevas, Che


  1. OK, before people rip me for whinning about the money I spent' and on and on, I entered the Prize because it was free. I did not expect to make the second round...yes it was great to make the "short list" but I was more mad about the cost of shipping...

    Hey, I am trying to creat what I enjoy, the peice in the blog is not the work booted by hunting, same style and flair but not "Pray for Peace"... and I live in Canyon, where comtempory Art lives a short"bitter" life.
    But,Hell, I was in the Art Rodeo this weekend and that was a hellava show.

    Carlos Cuevas

  2. so, were YOU told why you were rejected?

  3. too 3-d,that the party line.

  4. and thanks for the update on location...we moved here 5 years ago and discovered a whole diffrent world... good and bad/well not so good.

  5. So why did you submit a sculpture to a painting competition? I don't know many 3D paintings outside of combines, mobiles, installations, etc...

  6. combine,assemblage,it hangs off the wall. like I said,did not expect to make second round, and encluded all dimmensions and materials with work.


  7. ...but it wasn't a painting... right?

  8. some paint, spray paint,cattle markers, more objects that pigment.

    Read the other posts on Joan and you are right, it's on the head of the artist. And like I said, cut me in the first round if you think my work is to thick.


  9. OK, So I think THIS mystery is solved.
    I'm not against mixed medium (as you can clearly see after visiting my website) but I personally would have chosen to submit something more along the lines of a classical painting. sorry to hear you got caught up in this mess but at least it gives you more insight for when something else like this rolls along. Or for next year's slaughter...

  10. to me and my Rasquache upbring it is classical.Cattle markers, who uses cattle markers...
    I will take this disqualifaction as both a reminded of who I want to show my work;and as a badge of honor.

  11. by classical i mean more pigment, something that can easily be popped into a frame... a primary medium... something not too abstract or conceptual... etc...

    basically, something an oil exec can hang in his office and ignore

    ?? I dunno... I just wouldn't submit something like this or the now infamous WAR piece. I don't consider either one a 'painting'. i guess that's just me.

  12. I know,just pulling your leg, you are right, a more trad. work will win and those are the ones that should do well.

    Maybe next year I will submit a hung oil exec.
