Sunday, March 16, 2008

Watch This! Film Festival to Feature Movies Made by UH Community, Faculty

Staff, students, alumni invited to contribute homemade films by April 1

University of Houston community members with a flair for filmmaking can show off their works and win prizes during the Watch This! Film Festival. This event will screen these homemade movies in late spring, and submissions are being accepted through March. The deadline for entries is April 1.

Student films will be judged in three categories: narrative, documentary and experimental. A separate category is reserved for works created by faculty, staff and alumni.

Films cannot exceed a length of 15 minutes, and should be submitted on either a digital video cassette or DVD to Keith Houk, clinical assistant professor of communication, in Room 101 of the UH Communication Building.

A jury of Houston film experts not affiliated with the university will screen submissions and offer awards to the top three finalists in each category.

“I know there are many amateur filmmakers here on campus who would love to share their work with others,” Houk said. “This will be a fun experience for everyone participating and for those who have a chance to view the finished products later this semester. It’s the perfect event to showcase the talent here on campus.”

In addition to being screened at a campus location, the films also will be placed online.

For additional details on the festival or submissions, contact Houk at or visit

WHAT: Call for submissions for Watch This! Film Festival
WHEN: Through April 1
WHERE: Submit films to:
University of Houston
Communication Building - Room 101
Houston, TX 77204-6056
WHO: UH School of Communication


  1. Thanks for the post. It'll be mentioned in tomorrow's Morning Roundup on Houstonist.

