Sunday, March 9, 2008


A week ago I asked what you thought of B.S.'s handling of the Houston Art Scene on this here blog. Here are the final results:

Who? 14 (31%)

BS! Buffalo Sean, the creator of this online circle jerk of the Houston aRt ScEne. This tells me, perhaps he needs to be more assertive, and or speak in Third Person. Here's a photo of him, currently kidnapped:

Great, he says it like it is. 12 (26%)

I wish he were more critical. 7 (15%)

Prick. 7 (15%)

One time he talked shit about my stuff, I can't stand him. 5 (11%)

These last three equal a combined 41%, and basically tell me BS is doing something right, and needs to be more of a prick. Being a prick in reference to the Houston Art Scene, as a critic, or whatever is certainly a healthy thing. For the whiners who WERE critiqued, step it up you wussies. Most likely your stuff really is shitty, and you need to get over the marshmellowey skin stuff or whatever. :-o


  1. After seeing your photo I realize that you're not the person whose blog I thought I've been reading all this time. This explains a lot since I didn't think the other Sean had it together enough to maintain a blog like this. Then again it hard to tell for sure with the eyes and mouth blacked out like that.

  2. lol you're correct, i'm not BS (sean) - but that is in fact Sean in the photo... kidnapped...

    in the meantime, i'm hear attempting to clean up the mess and or cause more... i took over a couple weeks ago..

    hope you enjoy
