Thursday, March 13, 2008

In Bruges

So, alot of times I mean to do what I'm supposed to do for this blog, i.e. go to some of the art related things which I promote in order to put pictures up and stuff. I know that's what has made this blog popular in the past year, well that and Robyn O'Neil nearly showing her t*ts on Howard Stern, see HERE. Ok Ok.. so it's mostly because she nearly showed her boobs that this blog grew, that and the regular art geek haters of BS (still in the midst of a kidnapping).

Unfortunately, I am not nearly as eager to attend most art events, and I have an even harder time taking pictures of you while you're there. For instance today I expected to attend the UH PHOTO / DIGI show... and the BLAFFER Anniversary Celebration, especially because of the free beer, instead I went downtown with the lady ... ate too much for my already bloated stomach and then watched a really great film at the Angelika called IN BRUGES starring Colin Farrell and Ralph Feinnes.

Sometimes I'd rather talk about movies. Check out a synopsis here: FKDJFKDJF

I believe this is the first film where I can appreciate Farrell as an actor. In this film he isn't a cocky Brad Pitt wannabe, or a typical asshole character. I actually felt for his tortured, somewhat aloof persona, and Ralph Feinnes is absolutely insane! He reminds me of Ben Kingsley in SEXY BEAST, a total pathological madman:

However, to remain art-talky... There is some great focus on the flemish art... particularly the darker medieval material by Gerard David:


Here is the WIKI on Gerard David.

Also FYI, the city of Bruges apparently has the most intact medieval architecture in Europe, and it is beautifully on view in this film.

And if you went to any art shows tonight, tell me how they were. :D

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