Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Artist Talk: Radcliffe Bailey

Friday, March 21, 2008
7:00 p.m.

Presented as the 11th Annual African American
Art Advisory Association Public Lecture

American General Conference Room
The Audrey Jones Beck Building
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
5601 Main Street
Admission is free and open to the public.
A reception to meet the artist follows the lecture.

Atlanta-based artist Radcliffe Bailey talks about his past and current work,
and the themes that continue to engage him.

Get more information about this and other MFAH programs


  1. why do you have your stupid fucking little survey thing up on the right? you ask what readers want to see? we don't want a fucking calander.
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    i don't live in houston or texas for that matter you lazy peice of shit but im sure if i did i could figure out how to navigate my dumbass to the fotofest home page.
    come on and write something will ya sean? if not i will kill you
