Wednesday, February 13, 2008

That Sounds Alright.

Houston Key To Unlocking A Texas Win

Greater Houston holds more than a quarter of the total Texas delegates that Democratic contenders Clinton and Obama will be fighting over.

Two forces, other than whatever magic the candidates themselves can bring, will shape the outcome--and no, one of them is not the Latino vote.

The first shaping force is Houston herself, which is the second-most ethnically diverse city in the country.

Only the five boroughs of New York have populations who have come from a larger number of different places around the world.

The University of Houston is the most culturally diverse school in the nation.

There has been a population explosion in Harris County since the 2000 Census, which is the last complete study of its demographics.

It's an especial wild card because the Chairman of the Democratic Party in Harris County said at the County Kickoff on Saturday that he is expecting at least 230,000 voters on March 4th, an increase of almost 200,000 since the 2006 elections.

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