Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tejas Politicos

everyone needs a cowboy hat, right Phil?

Dueling blogs! Texans for Hillary v. Texans for Obama

ummm... Texans for Hills seems like a dead site...

Hillary goes from El Paso to Brownsville then on to Corpus Christi and San Antonio, worries about the battle after the polls close.

Catholic Hispanics vs. Hillary in San Antone.

Will Clinton's anti-cowboy hat stance effect her campaign in Texas?

Clinton asks from El Paso, "Que quiere?"

Jimmy from South Houston needs help.

Obama's radio ad en espanol.

No tickets for the Austin debate.

Texas, the eyes of Democrats are upon you.

Cuestionan salida de hispana como directora de campaƱa de Clinton.

"Texas is very, very important to us," says the Baptist minister from a neighboring state attempting to pull an upset.

James Carville sez: "She’s behind. Make no mistake. If she loses either Texas or Ohio, this thing is done."

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