Sunday, February 24, 2008

SHFL sez:

Derek Shumate, One Love (installation), 2008

Damn You Drunk Rooster, Pudding Disco, 2005

"Hey folks, some of you might have heard that we have been having a little trouble with the city permits here at our new location. It is not a big deal, we just have to wait until March 4th to get our paperwork cleared thorough the city.

In the meantime, we had to cancel a few shows, and we are seeking volunteers and financial contributions to help us get going again.

If you have any free time give us a call at 713-880-2100 and if you have some spare change, drop it by, or mail it, or call us with a credit card, or send it from paypal at

If all the friends of Super Happy donated however much or little they can, it would sure help us out a lot! In the meantime, our schedule will be back on track on March 4th, see ya then!"


Brian, Olivia, and Louie

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