Sunday, February 3, 2008

Oh That's Great.

check out the article on glasstire, but I am really, really questioning; is this critiqueable?

Isn't it personal or out of bounds or irrelevant? Whatever, artists showing their boobs and penises and stuff is funny.

check out Anne's take on her blog HERE.

Robyn gave me a call about it all...


  1. just a lady having a good time...and bringing art chat onto the stern show, which was incredible.

  2. i believe it's self-promotion plain and simple... it's up to everyone else to make a value judgment on that... whatever happened to all the art superstars? and does anyone even care? i'm sure her stock is now up considerably

  3. what a waste of time and attention. she pretty much did what she wanted for herself - her own entertainment. who gives a shit? i don't want to see her tits - i'd rather see some actual artwork from the majority of artists who can't claim 6 figure income with waiting lists for their unmade work. bah.

  4. don't hate. girlfriend's got it goin on. damn.

  5. it's nice how at least pretending slut can boaster anyone career. I'm sure her parents are proud.

  6. wonder how it makes her husband feel.

  7. Yeah... if you have nice boobs

  8. i like boobs and art, especially art with boobs because then i can be like, "i'm being serious/no i'm not, i'm looking at boobs/no i'm looking at art this is serious/no it's not that's boobs i like boobs," back and forth all night

  9. We need more artists who do as they please. Epater le bourgeoisie is an important subset of art, not just chasing grants and kissing ass, which is what Houston art seems to be about (oh, and crap illustration cartoons and looking like some straggly bearded wyrd folk refugee). Time was when Laurie Anderson came to do an installation at the CAMH and fucked every single male member of staff save one, and two of the female ones too!!!

  10. lol @ laurie anderson comment

  11. At least she could've worn something cuter than a 2 year old Target bra! That's the true point of the "scandal".

  12. I can't read her expression. It seems to say, "is this alright? is this ok for me to do?" which is a weird cause it's the Howerd Stern show.

  13. Awesome! 15 comments! I need to post more boobs on my site...
