Friday, February 8, 2008

GFX Punk Bitches

Bad picture. I should be shot.

Tagger crew GFX decided to draw some bullshit crap over the murals at Emancipation Park by Elgin at La Branch. If you feel the need to go over someone good, please don't be lazy little cunts who can't hold a candle to a 14 year old toy. I thought Article was in GFX? Maybe he had a lobotomy.

What does GFX mean?

Girly Feelings eXplosion

Good Fart, Xavier!

Genital Farmer XXX

Got Formaldehyde?

Good Foreign eXtacy

God-awful Fashion Xcessories

Little Bitch Pussies


  1. yep thats what ive been saying for awhile!!There is a video
    out there somewhere with them talk talking to adrain garzia I think thats his name but anyways. There being interview by him
    at the time he was next cheif of poice now he's head city councel but anywho there telling this dude everything there is to know about illegal graffiti how done what times it done everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i MEAN EVERYTHING!!!I was raged I made it point as long as I'm around doing art to cross out evrything they do witch I havent held my ground I kind of gave up so to speak they werent doing much but there back!!And trying to pretend like nothing happened. Just doing graffiti and shows and being around I dont like one bit those guys are snitches and everyone should know!!!!!!
    There mad that I'm putting it back out there thats why they crossed the whole wall out!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sure wish I could find that video for you tube it was done at pubic access
    one of those early mourning programs I think It needs togo right next to his interview talking about houston history
    witch he never says anything about houston first there the dudes still doing stuff gitting kicked out the country and crazy shit like the story needs to be re told and correct. Its a way better view and dosent leave anyone out!!

  2. vote for little bitch pussy's

    that's just pure magic right there.


  3. yea they all fucking suck

  4. Glad you posted this. GFX goin' over Houston's finest. Do I even NEED to say anything?

    Anyway... rest easy friends. It looks so pathetic the way they scrawled GFX on top of each piece that it's more of a joke/disss on themselves. Any real writers will see through them like a spit stain on your momma's bathroom mirror.

  5. is this dirty jeff mr smith ha ha you and your crew sucks no money having scallywags bring your paint and your money hyroglifx krew,,gfx182 from nawfside to da southside an to ny and back jealousy will kill you share the love ,,,,

  6. dude, yer like six months late. weak.

  7. this is gfx 182 hyroglifx we as a krew are not scared and as one not worried stop hating you wrtiers went over since 95 96 and we been hitting mobbing since 93 respect for respect so no worry over here so either bring it or stay home with ya gals pussie gatos ha ha ha

  8. oh, ok. so you're old.
