Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Geeeeez... Gimme a Break

Oh, the best in the world is on craigslist, but so is the worst... what do you think of this?

Are you creating art but no one is responding?
Are you trying to get a show and don't know where to start?
You want to approach a gallery but don't know how.
Maybe you have taken some art classes and can draw well but don't know what to do next.

I have been a professional artist for 10 years. After finishing art school with all the abilities they instill, I had no idea how to succeed as an artist. In the past decade, I have attended numerous workshops, lectures, and classes, and read every book I could on the subject. Then I went out to the real world and applied my new knowledge. Some of it worked, some of it didn't. Trial and error are very valuable, especially if you can benefit from someone else's error.

With a healthy business background and art talent, I have been successfully marketing and more importantly selling my art.
What I'm doing is not rocket science. Anyone can do it. You just need to know the steps and walk the path. I can help you.

I am offering my services to any artist who is not happy with their current level as a professional artist. I can help with the following areas:

-Portfolio review
-CV (Resume, Statement, and Bio) writing
-Marketing you art
-Getting organized
-How to approach a gallery
-How to sell your work
-How to live your dream

It's working for me, why not have it work for you.

Contacting me is the first step toward success.

Gross. "How to live (aka kill) your dream" Click HERE for one of his paintings.


  1. reminds me of your work . . .

    just kidding!


  2. reminds me of your work . . .

    just kidding!


  3. reminds me of your work . . .

    just kidding!


  4. Figuring out how to slang talentless and meaningless pieces of art is NOT rocket science.

    If this guy tickles your fancy, give me a call first :-) I've got a bridge I want to sell you...

  5. The unassuming realm within the art world occupied by this man's enterprise and his potential clients, provides a hierarchical reference point by which we may recognize our own elite vantage.
