Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Damn That Motherfucker Is Good and By Good I Mean Crazy

Pardon the language but it's hard not to get in the spirit reading Black Cat Bone, here's his Mardi Gras salute! Happy Fat Tuesday!

The Cackling Bitch® And Half Black Jesus™ Get Their Bourbon Street Drunk On

Happy Mardi Gras From The City That Says Fuck Politically Correct And His Donkey From D.C. That He Rode In On!!!
Rose Bezou and Bill Bradford of New Orleans costume as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as they walk down Bourbon Street on Fat Tuesday.

Thousands enjoy a warm and breezy Mardi Gras in the French Quarter

Tuesday, Feb.5, 2008.

Chuck Cook / Times-Picayune

1 comment:

  1. No hurricane or hand grenade? What kind of bourbon street pic is that!

    Leze Le Bon Ton Roule!
