Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Brooklyn, Texas Fundraiser

Texas Firehouse, residents of Brooklyn, Texas (population 7 to 10) ask for your objects and things in a touching salute to MILFs everywhere.

Unlike Chelsea, we actually do want to show your art!

Ok, here's the scoop-
We want you to have a GREAT time in 2008, so in order to do that, we need you to help us out a little.
We're gonna throw a fund raising party in early March. At this party we are going to have a silent auction and we're asking you, your mom, your friends, their friends, etc. to submit a small piece for said auction.

We're thinking we'll start every piece at $20 and hopefully that will lead to wild bidding driving the price up.

If you submit and your piece sells, we'll split the sale price with you, OR you can be super cool and donate all the proceeds to us, in which case you'll get a little special something from us.

...I wonder what it is?

Submit something other people would want, but that you aren't afraid to sell for $20.

Also happening that night-

Special Performance by Jeff Thompson
Multimedia Musical Performance by Terrible Eagle
Dance Party with some real special guest DJs...

So holla at us. We want you. And your mom. And her friends.

The Texas Firehouse is located in a 150 year-old historic firehouse in Long Island City, New York, just across the river from Roosevelt Island and Manhattan (best rooftop BBQ view in town). Housing studios and shop space, the Texas Firehouse is transformed for one night into a gallery and performance space.

Shows are curated by Firehouse artists and are generally group shows around some curatorial theme (archives of past shows can be found to the left). In addition to artwork, each show usually includes at least one performance artist(s) and one band (and free-flowing beer, of course). via site

Doug Young

Mailable Art Submissions receivable at:

Brooklyn, Texas
36-29 Vernon Blvd.
Long Island City, New York 11106

internetable submissions accepted at: mail@texasfirehouse.org

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